He was on ShowTime at The Apollo at 9 years old. He's 23 now, that's over 15 years ago and his dream is still the same. He still has that same mindset he had as a kid. I'm going to be a star!" Words like these are hard to come by with most unsigned Hip Hop acts. In some cases rappers haven't even broke their first year mark as an emcee. Oun-P obliterates that connotation. Born into a "Hip Hop Family" as Oun-P calls it, with his father being a local rapper/DJ, Oun-P had no choice but to live through Hip Hop. "I would come home from school and my father would be in the living room spinning records then he would just throw me the mic. As I got older and older, I gave it back less and less." Oun-P's rap career began with an album created by his "Hip Hop Family".
Titled "A Father and Two Sons", the album consisted of songs created and performed by Oun-P's father, older brother Ty-Trackz, who is now a noted music producer, and Oun-P. "A Father and Two Sons" was released locally and quickly became a neighborhood favorite, bestowing the confidence in Oun-P to pursue his dream. Next, Oun-P would increase his skill and popularity by releasing his own albums locally. These albums included the "Home of the Pinstripes Series" and more recently "A Breath of Fresh Air". During that time Oun-P also engaged into New York City's acclaimed but gruesome rap battle scene. At the time a program called Fight Klub was creating a name for its self as the best rap battle scene not only in New York, but in the world, as rappers were coming from all over the globe to make a name for their self in this arena.
Oun-P would go onto achieve an alone status of 15 wins and zero losses. With a budding buzz in Hip Hop's underground world, through Fight Klub and various mixtape appearances, it was now time to attract a wider audience. Oun-P captured that wider audience on BET's 106 and Park. Oun-P was featured on 106 and Park's Freestyle Friday, a weekly competition in which rappers would compete in rap battles resulting in the winner going onto the next week as the champion. Oun-P's time on 106 and Park concluded with him being inducted into Freestyle Friday's Hall of Fame after going undefeated on the show for an astounding 7 weeks straight.
Now armed with a national buzz being featured on national television for 7 straight weeks and an underground following after going 15-0 in Fight Klub; Oun-P is in a great position in his career. "A lot of people are starting to understand what we have going on over here and some great things are starting to happen. I've been on Hot 97, Serius Satellite Radio, and a guest at the 2006 BET Awards." Upon the heightening buzz many producers have taken note to Oun-P and have moved on to work with him. These producers include Swizz Beatz, Rockwilder, Vinny Idol, Ron Browz, and Green Lantern to name a few. With a great fan following and great producers to back up his music, Oun-P is at the dawn of his rise to stardom. Only one could imagine how far Oun-P will soar.